Practicing Value and Composition

Two Cups and a Saucer, oil on paper 15x15cm (5.9×5.9 inch)
Two Cups and a Saucer, oil on paper 15x15cm (5.9×5.9 inch)

My first apple made me realize that I’m lacking some basic skills. I bought Carole Marine‘s excellent book Daily Painting and started with a value and composition exercise.

Practicing Perspective and Proportion


Drawing your own hands is always a good exercise. Next time I’ll try another small oil painting with focus on values (since the first apple had some room for improvement…).

Live Nude Sketching


Again I joined the live sketching group. This time there was a nude model. Well, there’s a first time for everything. I hope with more practice I’ll get quicker so I can finish my sketches before the model changes her pose. Continue reading

Daily Practice

An Apple, oil on paper 15x15cm (6x6 inch)
An Apple, oil on paper 15x15cm (5.9×5.9 inch)

Practice is what I need so I started painting every other day. Only one session per painting. Try something new every time.