Practicing Portrait Painting

daily portrait 001
Purple Lady, oil on gessobord 6×6 inch (15.24×15.24cm)

Portraits are my favourite painting subject. Everyone has a different face. And every face tells a lot of stories.

Summer Dreaming

Big Red Floating Tire, oil on canvas 15x15cm (5.9×5.9 inch)
Big Red Floating Tire, oil on canvas 15x15cm (5.9×5.9 inch)

Trying hard to keep painting and posting at least once a week. But these days I usually prefer chilling at the local swimming pools.

Alpine Summer

The Cow, oil on gessobord 6×6 inch (15.24×15.24cm)

Whether you are a cow or a human – the Austrian alps are just beautiful at this time of the year.

First Rose

Mary Rose, oil on gessoboard 6x6 inch (15.24x15.24cm)
Mary Rose, oil on gessobord 6×6 inch (15.24×15.24cm)

I didn’t want to post this one because I wasn’t satisfied with the result. But when my five year old son recognized it as a rose and even guessed the right bush I changed my mind. It’s simply amazing what children’s eyes can see.

Although I’m not too happy with the picture I’ve learned a lot from it. And that’s the whole purpose of my “daily” practice.

The Flamenco Guitarist


This time one of the sketchers volunteered as model. He was playing the flamenco guitar while we were trying to capture some of the rhythm and put it on paper. Continue reading

Practicing Value and Composition

Two Cups and a Saucer, oil on paper 15x15cm (5.9×5.9 inch)
Two Cups and a Saucer, oil on paper 15x15cm (5.9×5.9 inch)

My first apple made me realize that I’m lacking some basic skills. I bought Carole Marine‘s excellent book Daily Painting and started with a value and composition exercise.

Practicing Perspective and Proportion


Drawing your own hands is always a good exercise. Next time I’ll try another small oil painting with focus on values (since the first apple had some room for improvement…).

Live Nude Sketching


Again I joined the live sketching group. This time there was a nude model. Well, there’s a first time for everything. I hope with more practice I’ll get quicker so I can finish my sketches before the model changes her pose. Continue reading