Take a look in the Mirror

Look in the Mirror, oil on gessoboard 6×6 inch (15.24×15.24cm)
Look in the Mirror, oil on gessobord 6×6 inch (15.24×15.24cm)

I’m not sure about this one. Somehow I like it but somehow I’ve got the feeling it didn’t really work out. I painted it from a still of MoTrip’s music video So wie du bist.

The Kingpin of Hell’s Kitchen

The Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen
The Kingpin of Hell’s Kitchen, oil on gessobord 6×6 inch (15.24×15.24cm)

Vincent D’Onofrio/Wilson Fisk/Kingpin, Marvel’s Daredevil (Netflix 2015)

Live Nude Sketching

Live Nude SketchingToday I was live model sketching with Margit König’s group. For the three poses at the bottom we had only five minutes each. Amazing how quickly five minutes can pass by. It was a great experience to see the totally different approaches and results of the participants. Continue reading

What do you believe in – Part II

“You are not welcome in our clean country!”

Human dignity and solidarity are foreign words for an alarmingly huge part of Europe’s population these days.