Love > Hate

Untitled, spray paint and marker on paper, 50x50cm (19.69×19.69 inch)

I’m dreaming of the day when everyone on our planet can live in peace and be whoever he or she is supposed to be. On days like this my hope gets even stronger that eventually more and more people realize we have to leave behind fear, hate, greed and envy. Love is what makes us stronger. Peace!

Lockdown Memories Part 2

Farewell, Lockdown Part 2
“Farewell, Lockdown II”, spray paint and marker on paper, 70x50cm (27.56×19.69 inch)

Already finished a while ago and hanging in the living room, I finally had to share the second half of my lockdown memories mini series.

Lockdown Memories

“Farewell, Lockdown”, spray paint and marker on paper, 70x50cm (27.56×19.69 inch)

We have a tendency to glorify the past. Will this allow us to appreciate the good things that happened during the last year?

Using up leftovers

Color Bath, spray paint on HDF board, 80x60cm (31.5×23.6 inch)

Got inspired by André Derain’s “Bathers” and found a few near-empty cans.

Dawning Revelation

Shifting Perception, acrylic on paper 64x50cm (25.2×19.7 inch)

Unrequited love left me devastated.
It hurts like very few other things do.
I didn’t get what I wanted.
Instead life gave me something invaluable.
I finally realized I was blinded by the reflection of my own light.
Idealizing my idea of someone didn’t let me see what’s already there.
Buried deep inside me, waiting to be embraced and unleashed.
It is my love for myself that has been unrequited all along.


Into the Void, acrylic on paper and plywood 64x50cm (25.2×19.7 inch)

My dream is met with pitiless indifference.
I was dreaming of falling into someone.
Never touching the ground again.
Finally I’m falling.
Into the void.

Shining Light

Elusive Concept, acrylic on paper 64x50cm (25.2×19.7 inch)

I feel longing and yearning.
I’m burning with desire.
What ignited that passion in my heart?
Was it her smile? Her smell? The way she moves?
That shining light is blinding me.
Yet I can’t look away.
How did I get here?
I’m not able to grasp it.

Some new sketches

I’ve got several new things in the pipeline. But first let me share my latest sketches with you. The lady above is Michelle from Sktchy. Check out my Sketches page to see all of them.

Live Nude Sketching

Live Nude SketchingToday I was live model sketching with Margit König’s group. For the three poses at the bottom we had only five minutes each. Amazing how quickly five minutes can pass by. It was a great experience to see the totally different approaches and results of the participants. Continue reading